ZRHWOption Class Reference

Inherits from ZRModel : NSObject
Declared in ZRHWOption.h


switch of led light ,default is NO ,brcelet i7 is not supported . LED灯开关,默认为NO,i7手环不支持。

@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL ledSwitch

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switch of wrist ,default is YES. 翻腕开关,默认为YES。

@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL wristSwitch

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switch of unitType changed ,default is UnitTypeInternational. 公英制单位切换开关 ,默认是国际单位制。

@property (nonatomic, assign) UnitType unitType

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switch of timeFlag changed ,default is TimeFlag24Hour. 时间制式切换开关 ,默认是24小时制。

@property (nonatomic, assign) TimeFlag timeFlag

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switch of autoSleep ,default is YES ,that means bracelet monitor sleep state automatically . 自动睡眠开关, 默认为YES, 也就是手环自动识别睡眠状态。

@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL autoSleep

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backGroundColor for device, default is NO. YES is white,NO is black 屏幕背景颜色,默认为NO. YES为白色,NO为黑色.

@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL backColor

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switch of what’s language bracelet is used ,default is followed by iOS or use braceletLanguageDefault ,to know more about language that bracelet supported. @see braceletLanguage . 手环使用的语言设置开关,默认设置受系统语言影响,未作适配的系统语言情况下为braceletLanguageDefault。

@property (nonatomic, assign) braceletLanguage language

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switch of disConnectTip, default is NO ,default is close the tips 0f disConnect. 断连提醒,默认为NO,也就是关闭提醒。

@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL disConnectTip

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type formatter of date on smartband‘s screen ,0 means formatter is MM/dd ,type 1 means dd/MM .Default is 0 手环显示的日期格式,0表示 月月/日日 ,1表示 日日/月月.默认是0

@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger dateFormatter

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Valid only when @ \ wristSwitch is YES, turning on the wrist lit screen function is available at set intervals. The value range is 0-24, indicating the whole hour. 仅在 @\wristSwitch 为YES的时候有效,在设置的时间间隔内,翻腕点亮屏幕功能可用。取值范围在0-24,表示每个整点。

@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger wristBlightStart

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switch of monitor heart rate automatilly ,turn off smart band would not motinor heart rate unless in sport time. default is YES . 自动监测心率开关 ,关闭自动心率后非运动状态时不检测心率,默认为YES,。

@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL autoHeartRate

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Valid only when @ \ autoHeartRate is YES, turning on the monitor heart rate automatilly function is available at set intervals. The value range is 0-23, indicating the whole hour. 仅在 @\autoHeartRate 为YES的时候有效,在设置的时间间隔内,自动监测心率功能可用。取值范围在0-23,表示每个整点。

@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger autoHeartRateStart

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Switch used for control “Automatic recognition motion” feature 自动运动识别

@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL autoSport

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